[ Browse by Service Category : Individual and Family Life : Sub-Topics of Individual and Family Support Services (20) ]
Adult Day Programs
Programs that provide care and supervision in a protective setting for dependent adults living in the community during some portion of a 24-hour day. Services may include social and recreational activities, training that is essential for sustaining activities of daily living, hot meals, as appropriate and, if an adult day health care centre, health and related services.
Attendant Services for People With Disabilities
Programs that provide support for individuals with disabilities who need assistance with routine activities in or outside their homes.
Benefits Screening
Programs that provide benefits screening services which help individuals determine whether they are eligible for benefits through any of a wide variety of public and private federal, provincial and local programs. In addition to identifying the benefits that a person may be eligible to receive, the service also provides a detailed description of the programs, local contacts for additional information (typically the addresses and phone numbers of where to apply for the programs), and materials to help successfully apply for each program. Some benefits screening programs may focus on specific populations such as older adults and people with disabilities.
Case/Care Management
Programs that develop plans for the evaluation, treatment and/or care of individuals who, because of age, illness, disability or other difficulties, need assistance in planning and arranging for services; which assess the individual's needs; coordinate the delivery of needed services; ensure that services are obtained in accordance with the case plan; and follow up and monitor progress to ensure that services are having a beneficial impact on the individual. Case management is a collaborative process characterized by communication, advocacy and resource management to promote high quality, cost-effective interventions and outcomes.
Child Care Providers
Programs that provide substitute parental care in a group setting for children during some portion of a 24-hour day. Services may include recreational and developmental activities and snacks and/or meals as appropriate.
Programs that provide friendship and shared activities and/or appropriate role models for individuals who suffer from lack of company, loneliness or social isolation; who need emotional support from a "buddy" to cope with a difficult life situation; who need practice conversing in English; or who lack the companionship and guidance of an adult or figure or peer role model.
Emergency Alert
Programs that ensure that elderly individuals, people who have medical problems or potential allergic reactions to specific drugs, and other isolated or vulnerable individuals who are at risk of health-related crises receive the medical attention they need during an emergency. Also included are programs that offer a means of identifying or locating individuals who may wander away from those responsible for their care and become lost.
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Escort Programs
Programs that accompany people who have limited mobility, cognitive impairments or other problems to specified local destinations and provide assistance which may include transportation or driving services, assisting the individual to enter and leave the vehicle and buildings, carrying packages, helping the person deal with other challenges and/or providing emotional support. Escort programs may assist older adults and people with disabilities, people who have AIDS or fear they have contracted the HIV virus, and others who need emotional and/or physical support; and may have limitations regarding the types of trips that qualify for this service.
In Home Assistance
Programs that provide assistance in performing routine household, yard and personal care activities for older adults, people with disabilities, eligible low income people, families whose normal routines have been disrupted by an emergency or others who need or want these services. The objective of in-home assistance is to help the recipient sustain independent living in a clean, safe and healthy home environment.
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Programs that enable individuals who have visual or hearing impairments, who speak, read or write a language other than English and/or who require documents that have been translated into plain language to access information or communicate their needs manually, verbally and/or in writing; or to have improved access to entertainment, educational or artistic events or facilities that feature important visual or audio content.
Respite Care
Programs that provide a brief period of relief or rest for family members, guardians or other people who are regular caregivers for dependent adults or children by offering temporary or intermittent care in the home or in community settings/facilities.
The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.